Account Details |
Use the form below to add some information |
*Student Legal First Name: | |
*Student Legal Last Name: | |
Must be 9 digits, and not be all zeroes. No spaces or dashes Eg. 123456789 | |
*Gender: | |
*Date of Birth:
Date is in the format of yyyymmdd - 8 numbers all together - no dashes, Eg: 19820108 |
*Proof of Identity: (Upload file):
Elementary: Canadian Birth Certificate, Canadian Passport, Visa Document, Landed Immigrant Card, Study Permit, Permanent Residence or Canadian Citizenship Certificate Secondary: Credit Counselling Summary or Transcript | |
*Language the Student First Learned to Speak: | |
*Student Grade: | |
Student email or parent if student doesn't have one | |
Suite: | |
*Street Number: | |
*Street Name: | |
*City: | |
Province/State: | |
*Postal Code:
7 characters. Eg. A1C 2B3 | |
*Phone Number:
Eg. 416-555-1212 | |
Mobile Number:
Eg. 416-555-1212 | |
*Home School Type:
If you are a YCDSB student please login directly HERE | |
Home School: | |
Public Home School: | |
Private Home School: | |
*Other Home School Name: | |
*Citizenship / Immigration Status: | |
*Requires Classroom Support?: | |
*Student has an I.E.P?: | |
*Student has an Epi-Pen?: | |
Parent/Legal Guardian #1 Contact Information |
*Parent/Legal Guardian First Name: | |
*Parent/Legal Guardian Last Name: | |
*Relationship to the student: | |
*Address & Home Phone is the same as Student: | |
*Home Phone:
Eg. 416-555-1212 | |
*Mobile / Other Phone:
Eg. 416-555-1212 | |
*Email Address: | |
Suite: | |
*Street Number: | |
*Street Name: | |
*City: | |
*Postal Code:
7 characters. Eg. A1C 2B3 | |
Parent/Legal Guardian #2 Contact Information |
Parent/Legal Guardian First Name: | |
Parent/Legal Guardian Last Name: | |
Relationship to the student: | |
Address & Home Phone is the same as Student: | |
*Mobile / Other Phone:
Eg. 416-555-1212 | |
Email Address: | |
Suite: | |
Street Number: | |
Street Name: | |
City: | |
Postal Code:
7 characters. Eg. A1C 2B3 | |
Parent/Legal Guardian Contact |
Parent/Guardian to be contacted first.: | |
Special Custody Information: | |
Emergency Information |
*Emergency Contact First Name: | |
*Emergency Contact Last Name: | |
*Relationship to the student: | |
*Home Phone:
Eg. 416-555-1212 | |
Mobile / Other Phone:
Eg. 416-555-1212 | |
Account Information |
Please choose a username that is at least 8 characters long. | |
Password must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least 1 capital letter and 1 number. | |
*Confirm Password: | |