General Public Account Creation


Please fill out the form below to create your student account. If you are 21 years old or older, please click here to fill the form.

Account Details
Use the form below to add some information
*Student Legal First Name:
*Student Legal Last Name:

Must be 9 digits, and not be all zeroes. No spaces or dashes Eg. 123456789
*Date of Birth:

Date is in the format of yyyymmdd - 8 numbers all together - no dashes, Eg: 19820108
 click to select date
*Proof of Identity: (Upload file):

Elementary: Canadian Birth Certificate, Canadian Passport, Visa Document, Landed Immigrant Card, Study Permit, Permanent Residence or Canadian Citizenship Certificate
Secondary: Credit Counselling Summary or Transcript
*Language the Student First Learned to Speak:
*Student Grade:

Student email or parent if student doesn't have one
*Street Number:
*Street Name:
*Postal Code:

7 characters. Eg. A1C 2B3
*Phone Number:

Eg. 416-555-1212
Mobile Number:

Eg. 416-555-1212
*Home School Type:

If you are a YCDSB student please login directly HERE
Home School:
Public Home School:
Private Home School:
*Other Home School Name:
*Citizenship / Immigration Status:
*Requires Classroom Support?:
*Student has an I.E.P?:
*Student has an Epi-Pen?:
Parent/Legal Guardian #1 Contact Information
*Parent/Legal Guardian First Name:
*Parent/Legal Guardian Last Name:
*Relationship to the student:
*Address & Home Phone is the same as Student:
*Home Phone:

Eg. 416-555-1212
*Mobile / Other Phone:

Eg. 416-555-1212
*Email Address:
*Street Number:
*Street Name:
*Postal Code:

7 characters. Eg. A1C 2B3
Parent/Legal Guardian #2 Contact Information
Parent/Legal Guardian First Name:
Parent/Legal Guardian Last Name:
Relationship to the student:
Address & Home Phone is the same as Student:
*Mobile / Other Phone:

Eg. 416-555-1212
Email Address:
Street Number:
Street Name:
Postal Code:

7 characters. Eg. A1C 2B3
Parent/Legal Guardian Contact
Parent/Guardian to be contacted first.:
Special Custody Information:
Emergency Information
*Emergency Contact First Name:
*Emergency Contact Last Name:
*Relationship to the student:
*Home Phone:

Eg. 416-555-1212
Mobile / Other Phone:

Eg. 416-555-1212
Account Information

Please choose a username that is at least 8 characters long.

Password must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least 1 capital letter and 1 number.
*Confirm Password: